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Hip and Core Activation to Help Baseball and Softball Athletes

Exercise Breakdown - Medicine Ball Rotational Toss

This exercise breakdown will explain why medicine ball rotational throws should be a staple in any baseball or softball training program. You will learn how to use the movement in a program or workout based on individual goals. Lastly, you will learn how to properly perform the movement.

Why Should These Be Included:

  • Softball/Baseball relies on a ton of rotational movements (throwing and batting)

  • Core strength is used for stabilization when joints are moving

  • Helps with Injury prevention by rotating through the thoracic spine when the lower limbs are planted on the ground

  • Increases power and overall movement through the rotation of the hips on a swing or throw

  • Works on the follow-through of a swing

How to Program:

Use medicine ball rotational throws for core strengthening, range of motion work through the lower trunk and hips, and power and loading of the hips through weight shifts. Medicine ball rotations can be placed in a workout at any point, preferably after the main strength or power superset.

Use medicine ball rotational throws as an accessory exercise and on sport-specific days. Anywhere from 6-12 repetitions on each side is appropriate, based on the goal of the work. If it’s being used for strengthening, use more reps but if it’s used for power, add weight and decrease the repetitions.


  1. Stand roughly 5 yards away from the point at which you are throwing. (wall or another person)

  2. Stand perpendicular to the wall.

  3. Stand with feet pointed forward and outside of shoulder-width.

  4. Start with the medicine ball held at the front of the hip furthest away from the wall.

  5. Hands placed on the bottom and back of the medicine ball.

  6. Keep shoulders square to start.

  7. Head looking forward.

  8. While keeping your front foot planted, shift weight to your back foot and turn your front hip slightly inward. (in the direction of your back foot)

  9. At the same time, rotate your shoulders to almost perpendicular to your body.

  10. Load by allowing your hands to separate from your hip.

  11. Push forward towards the wall off of your back foot.

  12. Once the foot plants to the ground rotate the hips and shoulders simultaneously forward to face parallel with the wall you are throwing to.

  13. Let go of the ball aiming for the middle of the wall and follow through with your arms through the motion of the torso.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  1. You should be able to shift your weight onto either foot (be able to comfortably bend your knees).

  2. Too wide of a stance won't allow enough rotation or power through the follow-through.

  3. Think chin toward the front shoulder/collarbone

  4. Keep your chin slightly tucked but don’t put your head position downward.

  5. Do not roll your ankle outward or allow any point of the back foot to raise

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